Retrato 2022
07 de enero 2022 | Retrato promocional para la banda de indie pop Personal, en el marco del lanzamiento de su single «NN».
07 January 2022 | Promotional portrait for the indie-pop band Personal as part of the launch of their single «NN».
Fotógrafo documentalista con estudios formales de fotografía en Instituto Alpes CFT. Ha sido becado y ha participado en diversos talleres con destacados fotógrafos de nivel nacional e internacional. Premiado anteriormente en FotoPrensa 2017. Ha expuesto individual y colectivamente en Chile.
Documentary photographer with formal studies of photography in Instituto Alpes CFT. He has been granted a fellowship and participated in different workshops with outstanding national and international photographers. Previously awarded in FotoPrensa 2017. He has individually and collectively exposed in Chile.