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FotoPrensa | October 4, 2024

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Internacional Individual – Mención Honrosa 2019

19 de enero 2019 | Un grupo de personas admira el paisaje sobre el congelado Lago Louise en el Parque Nacional Banff, en Canadá.

19 January 2019 | A group of people gaze at the scenery of a frozen Lake Louise in Banff National Park, in Canada. 

Hector Millar

Reportero gráfico con 12 años de carrera. Se ha desempeñado como fotógrafo en el Ministerio Secretaría General de Gobierno. Ha sido premiado con 3 primeros lugares en las categorías Premium, Dogs y Children, del concurso I Shot It, auspiciado por Leica.

With a 12-year-career in photojournalism, he has worked as a photographer at the Ministry General Secretariat of the Government. He was awarded with 3 first places in the categories Premium, Dogs and Children, in the I Shot It Competition, sponsored by Leica.